Who Am I ?
I'm Daksh (Deepak K Gupta), a vocal & social media savvy Techie with 22 years of experience in software development ecosystem in multiple technical & consultancy roles. I continuously look into improving the way we work so that we can create quality software
Who I Do ?
I am currently utilizing my learnings to help organization(s) I'm associated with. I'm also a public speaker on tech topics and actively involved in creating an open source knowledge base about processes and coding techniques
Beyond Software Development
I'm a Tech YouTuber and Content Creator by hobby . You can find me by clicking on the link above or by using my handle @AnInsightfulTechie
Tech Stacks / Databases I've Used to Create Awesome Software Products
Programming Languages & Libraries I've used to create awesome product: C++, Boost Library,Python, JavaScript, Java, Golang and Python Librarris like ScikitLearn, SciPy, Numpy, Pandas, Pytorch
Event & Data Streaming Ecosystem: Apache Kafka, Apache Arrow, Apache Parquet, Sprintboot, uWSGI, celery et.al
Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Apache Spark, MySQl, Apache Cassandra, Prometheus, Neo4J
My Expertise & Contribution to Software Development Processes and Practices
Produce Visualization & Discovery: Creator of Cockpit View Metaphor (CVM) Technique, which can be used for Product Representation & Product Discovery.
Proponent of #LessEstimates: I recommend and Actively encourage people to use #lessestimates for estimating their software development work
AnitPatterns of Product & Software Development: I create various helper techniques which enable organizations to counter the Anti-Patterns of Product Design and Software Development